Research criteria for cataphasia

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[Edit]1 Instructions for the diagnosis

(A) Evolution criteria has to be fullfilled

(A) Clinical criteria for one or both pole have to be met regarding this episode and ALL the former (if many test >= 3 with one of a different pole)

(A) None of the exclusion criteria can be met

Criteria of rank A are required for the diagnosis.

Criteria of rank B are not requiered but if present give further confidence in the diagnosis (shifted to the right). Clinical symptoms compatible with the diagnosis are just informative and are not part of the criteria.

[Edit]2 Evolution criteria

(A) Single episode, episodic evolution unipolar or bipolar

(A) Complete recovery after a first episode (except progressive form)

(A) Then gradually incomplete persistent thought disorder and language inconsistency

(A) Apathy contrasting with the preservation of superficial emotions

(B) Lack of insight inconsistent at first, at least partially with evolution

REM: Start non orienting: acute (< 2 weeks), subacute (1-3 months) or progressive

[Edit]3 Clinical criteria during the episode

Inhibited phase

(A) Often extreme slowing of thought and speech silence

(A) Neo / paralogisms

(A) Slow movement predominant movements requiring reflection and / or the patient appears dazed

(B) Sometimes follows the gaze, sometimes unresponsive

(B) Frequent mood anxiety or depression

Excited phase (schizophasia)

(A) Logorrhea ± pressure of speech

(A) Less confusing when talking about concrete topics or answering questions

(A) Disorganized speech (discours)

(A) Language disturbance at two levels: syntactic (a- or para-grammatism) and lexical (neo- or paralogism)

(A) Logical disorder and / or conceptual disintegration

(B) Frequent elation of mood

(B) Generally no agitation

(B) Behavior often more appropriate than one would believe from the disorganized speech

(B) Frequent confabulations


(A) Characteristics of both pole can be present together at the same time

Micellaneous, compatible with the diagnosis but WITHOUT being indicative for it

- The clouding up the confusion may occur transiently in all bipolar forms (PMD, cycloid psychoses, non systematized schizophrenia)

- Frequent hallucinations

- Frequent delusions

[Edit]4 Exclusion criteria

Not secondary to

(A) Drug intoxication or withdrawal

(A) An organic disease

(A) A reactive psychosis (reaction to a severe stressor)


(A) Staring in the middle position

(A) True catatonic symptoms according to WKL, i.e. parakinesia, true negativism (i.e. with ambitendance), waxy flexibility (with posture mantenance) ...

(A) Organized paranoia, persecutory delusions with designated persecutor passional delusion as erotomania, jealousy

(A) Monomorphic appearance

(A) Other mood disorders (mania or melancholia) arising out of the post-episode.

Last changed: 31.01.2013 00:58 (CID: 61) by Berna - HomePage Reload page Edit Versions Download HTML